Asset Bundle #9

It’s finally time to release – the core of Asset Bundle #9!

As long time readers already know, I’ve been working with asset bundles for years. I finally got around to packaging up the core system that I’ve been solving problems with so that others can benefit from what I’ve learned.

You can learn more about it’s technical abilities from the developer site:
And then to convince your boss to let you buy it, there’s a section of the site for them too, to make it easier to explain why you need it.
And then go buy it from the Unity Asset Store!

This is the core – the part that actually downloads bundles and unpacks them. It’s currently compiled for current Unity versions, but can absolutely be rebuilt for older versions once purchased.

Over time (or based on interest) I plan to release template projects that demonstrate how I use this core to accomplish the things I talk about in my blog series about asset bundles. Want a refresher?

Hope to hear from you about questions and how you are doing neat things with it!